Cookie Processing Policy

Processing of Cookie Files


LLC “MotoVeloZavod”

What are cookie files?

Cookie files are text files stored in the browser of a user’s computer or mobile device when they visit the official website of LLC “MVZ” (hereinafter referred to as the site), to reflect the actions performed.

Cookie files can be collected, systematized, stored, modified, used, anonymized, blocked, and deleted using automation tools.

The purpose of processing cookie files is to ensure the correct and secure use of the features and services offered on the site, to enhance the convenience for site users, to improve its functionality, to create personalized advertising, and to collect analytical information.

LLC “MVZ” does not use cookie files to identify personal data subjects.

What types of cookie files do we process and for what purpose?

The site processes the following types of cookie files:

How long do we process cookie files?

The user’s consent to the processing of cookie files on the site is valid for one year. However, to avoid redundant processing of cookie files, most of them are processed for no more than one day, after which they are deleted using automation tools.

How can the processing of cookie files be configured?

Users can accept or reject the processing of targeted cookie files on the site, and they can configure the processing of necessary cookie files in their browser, although the correct functioning of the site is only possible with the use of necessary cookie files.

In the settings of their browser, users can manage the collection of all or some cookie files. Some browsers allow users to visit websites in “incognito” mode to limit the amount of information stored on the computer and automatically delete certain types of cookie files.

Additionally, users can delete previously stored cookie files by selecting the appropriate option in the browser history.

For more information on managing cookie settings, please visit the external links leading to the relevant pages of the main browsers:

What to do if you have questions about the processing of cookie files?

Users can always send a message with any questions they have about the use of cookie files by LLC “MVZ” to the email address
